Weeping Atlas Cedar

Planet Horticulture uses plants of all sizes from 2" liners to amazing specimen trees. In this West Sonoma County garden we planted a uniquely trained 80 year old weeping Atlas cedar. A slow growing form of a drought tolerant North African native, this tree provide a powerful focal point and screening for the front yard of this delightful 19th century farm house. Once it was installed, it seemed like it had been part of the original landscape.
Gudalupe Island Palm
Brahea edulis, the Guadalupe Island palm, a rare endemic native of islands off the coast of northern Baja Mexico is very slow growing in cultivation and is also drought tolerant and among the hardiest of palms. This specimen was estimated to be more than 40 years old and helped to create an instant oasis effect in this wine country poolside garden.
Ancient Olive

The clients of this newly built modern home in the Oakland Hills wanted to start the landscape with as many mature trees as possible. We chose this special ancient olive as a focal point for the main entry courtyard. This gnarly old tree gave the house a more human scale making it seem more at home in the landscape.
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